How to Protect Your Equestrian Building From Break-Ins
Thieves see an unsecured equestrian building as, essentially, an invitation. Everything you store in your equine facility is at risk, especially metal tools and equipment. Since your building is likely secluded from public areas, it’s a vulnerable location for drive-by thieves to take advantage of.
Fortunately, we’ve compiled a list of easily employable preventative measures and effective anti-theft devices that can protect your equestrian building from burglaries.
Use Security Lights and CCTV for Rural Security

Implementing security lights and CCTV around your equestrian building is a great deterrent for would-be criminals and is almost guaranteed to catch them in the act. The lights will illuminate the scene and let the thieves know that they’re being watched, and a good, high-quality security camera will capture the evidence in HD.
CCVT can do a number of things for rural security. Aside from collecting footage of the crime, a conspicuously placed camera may deter the criminals completely or distract and encourage them to try and take it down (giving you more time to call the police).
Furthermore, if you combine obvious dummy cameras, and hidden working cameras, you could entice the thieves to take down the cameras they think are working, offer them a false sense of security, and call the police while their guards are down.
There are plenty of suppliers of farm CCTV out there, but we’d recommend you start with Farmstream.co.uk!
Tag Your Farm Equipment to Prevent Theft and Locate Stolen Items

If thieves trespass into your equestrian building with the intent of selling the items they steal, they may be deterred or caught with the help of identification and tracking tags. The tags can be as simple as highly adhesive identification stickers, or as complex as Radio-Frequency Identification Transponders.
All valuable equipment can be tagged, including vehicles, power tools, and farmhouse equipment. Once you’ve tagged your equipment, it’s essential that you keep a database of photographic evidence to prove the stolen items belong to you if they are found.
You should also etch the windows of vehicles and metal equipment with their Identification Numbers to deter thieves, as this will make them more detectable and less appealing. A burglar will be less inclined to steal identifiable goods, as they run the risk of getting caught.
Furthermore, you should register with CESAR, an agricultural equipment registration scheme that increases your chances of recovering your equipment if taken.
Lock Potentially Helpful Equipment Away to Increase Security for Farms

You may not be worried about the monetary value of a ladder and keep it out throughout the night. But consider how a ladder may be beneficial to those burgling your equestrian building. The same goes for axes, pliers, wheelbarrows and anything else that could actually aid in a robbery.
So you should keep all equipment locked away either in or away from your equestrian building to avoid inadvertently assisting the perpetrators.
Securing a storage solution with chains and padlocks isn’t enough. You should set out to install the most complex locks you can find, like a double-cylinder deadbolt and couple them with hardened chains to further fortify your farm equipment.
Avoid Visiting Your Equestrian Building on a Rigid Schedule

Criminals aren’t intelligent. But they can recognise a pattern if there is one. We understand that farming is a lifestyle and that it’s more convenient to do the final lock checks just before you leave at night. But if you complete tasks on a regular, consistent schedule, a particularly attentive criminal just might determine a time frame of when you’re gone and they’re less likely to get caught.
One of the best ways to ensure security for farms is to deprive the criminal of security. Shake up your routine every now and then and visit your farm at night occasionally, so the burglar never assumes a safe period.
Install A Burglar Alarm to Protect Your Equestrian Building

If you live closeby to your farm, or there are other farmers in earshot, installing a burglar alarm can be invaluable to detecting a robbery. Depending on the type of alarm system you choose to install, your alarm could emit a loud high-pitched noise or release a thick fog of slow-dissipating smoke into your equestrian building.
An alarm will panic your intruders and the smoke will make it difficult for them to see or escape once they’re in the building. This will give you, or your neighbours, ample time to call the police.
Upgrade Your Equestrian Building to Minimise Attempted Break-Ins
Older equestrian buildings may not offer the security you need to effectively combat the rising numbers of farm-based burglaries in the UK. Fortunately, Kit Buildings Direct offers the secure equestrian building solution you need.
We use high-quality materials and components to ensure a robust, weatherable, and secure equestrian building for your farm.
If you’d like to learn more about what our equestrian buildings can do for your rural security or to discover the benefits of our structures compared to older models, contact us now. We’re happy to answer any questions you may have and build a bespoke equestrian building to suit your needs.